BIG TRAIN coming this Friday at the Spar Tree.
Doors at 7 - BYOB (Not a bar)$20 at the door or pay what you can
Tahsis is a remote village on the west coast of Vancouver Island. With only 400 residents, we don't have many of the conveniences of larger towns but we do have community spirit and lots to do in our spectacularly wild and beautiful environment.
BIG TRAIN coming this Friday at the Spar Tree.
Doors at 7 - BYOB (Not a bar)The PAC Holiday Bazaar was as always a great time. More than 20 tables of information and items for sale. Great food.
Hello Tahsis Business Community,
As many of you know we typically conduct a pre-season stakeholder meeting each year. Due to feedback and participation over the last few years, we will not be conducting those meetings. Instead I would like to send you some of the information we would have covered and invite you to contact me directly if you have any questions applicable to your agency or community specifically. I would be happy to arrange a meeting with you via zoom or in person if you wish.
Our forecasters are telling us this year is going to be a strong El Niño year. In the Pacific Northwest this could create above-normal temperatures with the warmest later in the winter. Early-season cool risks are in play though so we may have some events prior to January. Also expected is a drier than usual winter with more precipitation later in the season when temperatures are warmer. With that said, forecasting has become difficult with temperature variation driven by global circulations. In our area we can hover above and below freezing regularly and this brings our most challenging road conditions.
For the coming season, Mainroad North Island Contracting LP resources includes:
During events our deployment strategy will align with the designated priorities set out by the province. I have attached an FAQ and you can access our media center at
If you would like to notify us of an issue, please use our 24-Hour number at 1-877-215-7122. This number is monitored and logged so we can be sure it is sent to the appropriate position. While many of you have your local contacts and relationships, using this number ensures that the message is not lost.
I hope we all have a safe winter. Feel free to contact me at if you would like to set up a meeting to further discuss our winter deployment as related to your needs.
Chris Cowley
General Manager
Ph: 250-400-3336
PAINT NIGHT! November 24, 2023 - 6pm at the Tahsis Recreation Centre. Ages 16+ are welcome to come and enjoy another fun Paint Night, hosted by Amanda Knibbs. There is no cost to participate. Please contact Amanda at the email address below to pre-register!