Friday, 28 October 2022

Going to the council meeting from home

 The newly elected mayor and council meet for the first time at 7:00 on Tuesday, November 1.

If you want to watch the meeting online you download the Microsoft Teams app from here.

or from the app store.

Then on the evening of the meeting you go to the Village of Tahsis page ( and click the fourth box down on the left side that says Click here to join the meeting.

The agenda for each meeting is located on that same page. It usually comes out on Friday so you can read through it and see if there is anything interesting to you.

You can mute yourself and turn off your video and come and go from the meeting anytime you choose.

An easy way to stay informed on what is going on in Tahsis. 

Sunday, 23 October 2022

VIRl Shadow puppet show on ZOOM

 Hi families! Don't forget to join us from 6-7 pm on Tuesday, Oct. 25 for a free, virtual shadow-puppet show. It's going to be great!

We'll also have a behind-the-scenes look at how puppet magic is created with puppeteer Wendy Passmore-Godfrey.
👉Register for a Zoom link here:

Saturday, 22 October 2022

Library craft day

 Join us at the Tahsis Library on Saturday, Oct 29th for a Children’s Halloween Craft. We will be making Witches and Haunted House Pop-up Cards from 11 til 1 pm. Everyone welcome.

Monday, 17 October 2022

Recreation survey

 Strathcona Regional District

The SRD is researching opportunities for regional collaboration in recreation services. Your input will help to understand the recreation activity preferences, trends, and future needs of your community.

Enter to win a $100 grocery store gift card by completing survey at Survey closes Oct 30th

COVID boosters


Witches Only luncheon


Sunday, 16 October 2022

Saturday, 15 October 2022

Invitation from the Coast Guard station

 Sean RothfelsTahsis Community

Hi everyone,
The Tahsis Coast Guard Station would like to invite members of the community to help decorate our new anchor that we have installed at the bottom of the driveway. We thought it would be a nice idea to have kids/community members paint a picture or name on small rocks and add it to the ring of gravel surrounding the anchor. Please feel free to stop by and drop off your artwork any time. It will be nice to watch the surrounding area transform into bushels of colour and design. Let your imagination run.

Clothing swap by Bigs and Smalls

 Also a great time to swap Halloween costumes.

Free paint night sponsored by Tahsis Literacy Society

Friday, 14 October 2022

Gym closed Saturday


2018 election turnout

 Here are the stats for turnout in the last municipal election. I wonder if Tahsis’ could be even higher? Thanks to Mark T. For sending this graph.

Election results site

 The vote counts of Saturday's municipal election will be posted on this site.

Thursday, 13 October 2022

Next council meeting


Statement by council candidate Mervyn Brown


1./2. Why are you running for council and what part of your background prepares you to serve on council? 

I hope this won’t be too long. I will try to be brief. My following comments apply to the first two questions.  

 Because at the core of our essence I believe that most of us know the difference between right and wrong. We know when we are being cheated, exploited or deceived by our elected leaders regardless of whether they are in municipal, provincial or federal government. Unfortunately, most of us can do nothing about specious promises and empty rhetoric and so we are destined to be at the mercy of those who have no mercy.  

 I care about others and have devoted my life to creating awareness and exerting change - no matter what country I have been a resident in - and tried to stay out of court in the process. Unfortunately, legal precedent is the yardstick that controls our government and it is what our democratic society deems as justice. Most of us are aware of the disparity between court rulings and fairness but we can do little about it.  

 Wednesday, at a Seniors’ Meet & Greet, held in Tahsis, one of our current councillors challenged me with a question about how many times I have been in court. I believe it was aimed as a derogatory question for the purpose of insinuating that I was “sue happy”.  It appeared to be another attempt to smear a potential candidate running in our Tahsis election.  I told the councillor to check out the internet. However, unfortunately, we have censorship at the highest levels and even if one undertook a diligent investigation, it would probably be difficult discovering the truth.  Which is that I have been a party in so many lawsuits that at the moment I have lost track. (Only two relating to any matters here in Tahsis.) But the question was put to me with an obvious slant of attempted disinformation. I am proud to say that every case I have been involved in or a been participant of, has been fought in the name of civil rights and undertaken for those who cannot fight back.    

  This is a damning statement about our department of justice when the reality is that I have fought at every level of court in both Canada and the United States. The issues have always revolved around the civil rights of all of us instead of empty rhetoric based on egotistical propaganda. (Meaning it is never about the money but rather about change.) For good or for bad - depending on what side you are on - I persevere no matter what it takes.  My steadfast stupidity or dogged tenacity does not relent - no matter how difficult the task. And so I get results. If this is the place to blow ones horn then I would hazard a guess that I probably hold the track record as being the one individual in North America who has managed to bury the most number of defendant corpses in the graveyards of insurance companies, banks and governments that have attempted to bury the truth.  But you won’t find these interesting facts on the internet.   

  This blog is probably not the place to go into such detail. If you really want to know then maybe you should buy my next book. It will expose shocking facts behind court records in many cases I have participated in.  I would hazard a guess that I am the only person who has fought in the United States Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of Canada, almost simultaneously - about the same issue - censorship and the right to a fair trial.   

  The Canadian government is probably embarrassed that I managed to assist in facilitating a precedent against them in deportation hearings - because of a government smear campaign against defendants during the Gustafsen Lake standoff. I am just beginning in our fight to create a truly fair and democratic government run by and for the people of Tahsis. It will happen regardless of whether or not the residents elect our experienced and dedicated team. Why? Because I do not relent and it is the right and necessary thing to do for the benefit of everyone - whether they realize it or not.  But I do hope that you will elect and support us so we can go about doing this together.  


3. What is the one thing Council could do to improve Tahsis the most?  

There are so many troubling issues with our current local government that I don’t know where to begin or how to prioritize under “one thing”. Here we go: the “road”; resurrecting and completing the Unity Trail fiasco to connect with Zeballos; repairing, stabilizing and taking responsibility for our sinking yards and failing infrastructure; full disclosure and responsible management; creative, open and honest accounting; stopping the government dependant “welfare” state mentality … ad infinitum. A good place to start, and what we intent to change, is our local government. And why are we doing this?  Primarily because of appalling incompetence and mismanagement that has facilitated the annual evaporation of our hard earned tax dollars.  

Additional comments:

To show our commitment we are vowing to volunteer our time as mayor and councillors - without salary or payment. Instead, we plan to place these funds in a charitable trust to finance community projects that are much needed in Tahsis, benefiting all who live and visit here. This translates to an amount in excess of $100,000 over their combined four-year term in office.  “By putting this money back into our community, we show how much we believe in and are serious about improving our town.”

My teammates have created a Facebook Page where they have posted all our campaign information. Please visit All for Tahsis. Thursday and Friday we will be out again going door-to-door. Please feel welcome to approach us with any questions.

Statement from mayoral candidate Pascal Pelletier

 1. Why are you running for council?

I made the decision to run for council because of my love for this amazing place and to provide more opportunities for the residents and of course, for my family. Retreating from the hectic lifestyle of the big cities, we bought our home here 7 years ago because we saw Tahsis as a safe and healthy place to raise our children.

Like many older houses, ours was in severe disrepair. But we could see beyond the leaky windows, stained carpets, mould, outdated fixtures and popcorn ceilings. We were happy to put our passion and efforts into transforming this into a beautiful family home.

Our concerns grew over the last few years, seeing the decline of services, events and community spirit. I have seen the lack of care reflected in the maintenance of houses and upkeep of the town. Seeing newcomers investing time and work into their home is inspiring but many times this excitement turns to disappointment when they leave due to lack of prospects and opportunities.

Our population has grown from 300 to 400 over the last few years. This does not mean we have 100 new residents. In reality, that number would be much higher if we could have retained every new person that moved here.

The sense of community and relationships with neighbors have been overshadowed by defamatory rumours and gossip. Our leaders forgot to follow their code of conduct and have put us on a shady path with their acts of censorship and exclusion.

You cannot blame Covid for everything. What happened to healthy debates, constructive conversations and eagerness to improve the place we live? We do not all have to be friends, but respect should be common sense. Even with all our differences, we have common needs and goals, we just need to be re-connected. We need opportunities to get to know one another, to build friendships and work together.

I still see the enormous potential of this little town at the end of the road. I still boast about this place everyday. Tahsis has a rich history and unique remote geography. Like an island on and island. Before I moved here, I read everything about Tahsis. I was amazed at how many talented people live here and I still dream of collaborative projects. I never tire of hearing stories form older residents about the days of the mill, where their  families came from, and of course everyone has a story about a big fish that got away.

I could not bear to see the next 4 years resemble the last 4. Deciding to run for council is a huge commitment and comes with great responsibility. I have always been engaged in my community no matter where I lived. At this point in my life, I am fortunate to have time to volunteer. Family has always been my priority, I want to set the example for my children that sometimes you need to step up, get involved and hope to make a difference.

I am running with the future in mind. Sometimes you need to plant the seed, nurture and be patient for change to happen.

2. What part of your background prepares you to serve on council? 

Working with boards, councils, and many organisations has prepared me to serve on council. I still work with schools, school districts, art councils, and various levels of government. I am familiar with grants, budgets and stretching that dollar.

After high school I was small projects manager with my father’s contracting company specialising in restoring historical buildings. I have experience in business with the pressure washing company I started, then later sold and I worked in food production after completing my degree in horticulture.

When I first moved to BC in the late 90’s, I attended UBC and SFU to study First Nations history & anthropology. I love to learn; I am in constant pursuit of knowledge.

As an artist, I have a passion for creating something out of nothing. In NB, I fully renovated an old building transforming it into an art gallery. It was all about giving back, shinning the light on others, and promoting art.

This is when Shawna came into my life. Together we created a space and opportunities for local Indigenous artists, hosted over a dozen artist openings, collaborated with the Assembly First Nations, and organized the 1st National Indigenous Day in Moncton. Successfully, the event brought politicians, residents, local indigenous, and thousands together for a flag raising, march, and festivities all day long. 

I am very proud of having been involved, at the beginning of the restorative justice program, using art, that is now implemented in correctional facilities in BC. I facilitated carving and painting instruction to a spectrum of inmates offering them a new outlet and lease on life.

I am well aware of municipal processes and have read not only our council meeting minutes but those of neighboring communities. Plus the Official Community Plans and any other reports I could find.

Our dedicated team has decades of experience in business, the arts and rights advocacy. Producing documentaries, organising events, working with grants and budgets - we bring a variety of knowledge to the table. We have the experience, skills and passion to bring positive change to Tahsis. We have researched other mill towns and can learn from their success; we have plenty of ideas and solutions that could easily be duplicated and implemented here.

For more details on our ideas, please read our “Plan”. You can find it on Facebook at: All for Tahsis or in your mailbox at the post office.

3. What is the one thing council could do to improve Tahsis the most? (As in what is your priority)

To improve Tahsis, council must first consult the people. Public involvement is essential for the success of a small community. Ideas and projects must align with the will of the residents and consultation happens before decisions are made or priorities are set.

The last 4 years have left the residents at the bottom of the organisational structure. This pyramid is currently operating in the wrong order. It should be Residents, Council, CAO, Staff. Not CAO, Council, Staff, Residents.

When community members can easily find, access, and comment on information that affects them it instills confidence in the government. It shows you are listening, and you are responsive to their needs. It is the responsibility of council to create a better public engagement, not to blame residents when they ask clarifications or raise concerns. Asking questions is automatically seen as negative. When someone come to the office with an idea, we should always take the approach of “how are we going to make this happen” instead of trying to find ways and excuses to deter any initiatives.

Our pledge and commitment:

We will focus our energy here, balance the budget, increase revenues, keep more money here, and we will not raise taxes. We will create initiatives, attract new businesses and jobs with incentives, create a “local first” policy, manage our own resources such as logging, and re-establish the Chamber of Commerce. Council needs to listen to the people - bring the residents back into the decision-making process plus give recognition and support to our vital local organisations such as the Hatchery, Literacy Society, Seniors Society, the Women’s Hospital Auxiliary and others.

4. Any additional comments:

I am working with a great team: Shawna Gagné, Mervyn Brown and Elena (Helene) Puente. To show our commitment we vow to volunteer our time as mayor and councillors – without salary or payment. Instead, we plan to place these funds in a charitable trust to finance community projects that are much needed in Tahsis, benefiting all who live and visit here. This amount would be in excess of $100,000 over our four-year term. By putting this money back into our community, we show how much we believe in and are serious about improving our town.

Our team of 4 joined together because our ideas and values aligned with the positive change and potential we see for Tahsis. We support each others’ vision and goals and believe we have the combined skills to bring significant improvements to the community. We are prepared to work with new candidates, but the incumbents have made it clear they plan to proceed the same and continue to not consult. To make any difference on council you need 3 out of 5 votes to pass a motion. We hope you consider this when selecting who you want to work together on this next council.

It’s time for change! Together we can!

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

National life saving recert


The Gold River aquatic centre is offering a recertification course for people who have done the training for National Life Saving whose certification has expired. It is being lead by Mike Lott, who used to be the lifeguard here.

NLSR in Gold River Sunday October 16th 9 – 1. This may solve the life guard problem in Tahsis.

If you are interested in this course, call the Gold River pool, 250-283-2216 to register.

Ride to the polls


 The polls are open on Saturday, October 15 from 8am to 8pm. If you need a ride to the polls, just email me.

Last meet the candidate


Thursday, 6 October 2022

Salmon Derby summary

 It been a very busy, crazy and rewarding season. 

Wet, cold spring & now one of the longest summer weather events ever.

The very good news is we saw customers we have not seen in years from 

all over CA & USA along with MANY new customers. All in all, it was an excellent Fishing/Catching season & good for FUND RAISING !


As you know we have been raising fund for reginal Salmon Enhancement since 2004

It has been an interesting, fun, and rewarding ride. To date we have distributed $750K+


We will restart early June summer annual BBQ contest fund raiser after a 3 yr Covid break 

in 2023. Our plan is to bring that event back on Saturday 10, 23 Come Join the FUN, FUN!


We were very fortunate to be able to have the Salmon Enhancement Derby this year 

in the Tahsis School gymnasium. BIG turn out for the awards Banquet & Fund Raising.

Tahsis Regional Salmon Enhancement Fishing Derby & VIP Donor board Raised $52,222


The allocations this year will be as followed:

Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Society (TSES) = $23,722

Nootka Sound Watershed Society (NSWS) = $21,500

Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) = $3,500

Sport Fishing Institute (SFI) =  $3,500

Total = $52,222


Thank You for your 18 years of support for this important economic and social 

driving force here in our region.

Much Thanks to all the Volunteers in the 4 organizations above. 

Without your (Many helping hands) these program could not succeed.

Let us not forget the many individuals, companies, lodges & resorts, trusts, 

Corporation and other donors who annually step up with Prizes and $$$.

       “ It Really is All About the FISH and It’s WORKING”



The 2023 Salmon Enhancement Derby will be held on Friday & Saturday August 25 & 26

Thank YOU!  Fish On   John

Rec Centre closed


Statement by council candidate Samuel Adams


1.Why are you running for council?

          I first travelled to Tahsis many years ago, seeking out remote parts of the island. As I traveled, every place I stopped had the peaceful beauty of a Bob Ross painting. When I arrived and saw the inlet, I realized my cellphone did not work at all. As I continued around the corner, I noticed a young family out in the estuary digging for clams; at least that’s what I figured they had been doing. The next thing I noticed were children riding freely down the road on their bikes and wild deer scurrying into the bush as they went by. The entire area was rich in First Nations history and culture. All of these things were appealing to me, and I’m sure many others have thought that of Tahsis as well.

A couple of years later I took a job at the John Hart Dam upgrade project in Campbell River. During my years at the project, I made the decision to travel back down that long winding road full of potholes to Tahsis. This time, I saw the all of the same things I loved about Tahsis except there was something else, something new…potential! Potential for art, potential for adventure, potential for tourism, and most importantly, potential to stay! Since then, I have made Tahsis my forever home. I have met many great people and made many new friends. So to keep my answer short, I am running for Council because I want to contribute to this beautiful community that we all share in a positive way.


2.       2. What in your background prepares you for being on Council?

This type of question has always been difficult for me to answer. I’ve never been fond of carrying on about myself, so I will tell you about my grandmother, and I’ll try to keep it short. She was the matriarch of the family and one of my biggest role models.  She was heavily involved in the community and local politics. She was a founder of many things in my hometown like the Multicultural Center and Heritage Council; just to name a few. My Aunts then followed in her footsteps, and I did my best to follow their lead. I was always looking for an opportunity to volunteer in the events that they were involved in.  Things like the Dragon Boat Festival, Art in the Park, numerous parades, and other local events became a regular part of my life. As I continued, I eventually became the Director of the juried art competition, which led to becoming chair of the Rose Festival in the Niagara region.

My Grandmother, being heavily involved in the women’s labor movement, also influenced my decision in becoming a union steward as part of my career. Advocating for and representing my fellow workers on various job sites while organizing and raising money for worker’s interests has always been very important to me. I am not afraid to speak my mind and fight for what I believe in. My involvement with these many diverse organizations has taught me how to listen and be able to debate respectfully using empathy, understanding, and knowledge without compromising my position or values on the issue at hand.

I come from a very diverse, multicultural area in Ontario. Growing up, I was very close with many people from all races, religions, and socio-economic statuses. This taught me how to view the world through variety different perspectives, and to truly appreciate the incredible diversity of our beautiful country and the people who live in it.

Finally, I would just like to add, as a local entrepreneur and business owner, I also advocate for fair tax assessment.


3.       3.What is one thing council can do to improve Tahsis the most?

Although I am aware that there are many responsibilities that Council has, I believe that some areas of focus that would make a great difference toward the improvement in Tahsis are:

-Continuing with the rebranding of the village as a tourist destination by bringing our valued residents and business owners together to create a community that is not only beautiful, but also welcoming and attractive to tourists, new residents, and investors alike.


      - Carrying on with cleaning up and beautifying the village in order to facilitate the rebranding.


I appreciate the opportunity to share a little bit about myself and my hopes for Tahsis. If elected, I pledge to represent your interests in an open, honest, and fair manner. I am not associated with any “team”; therefore I am willing and able to work impartially with any elected members of council and staff for the betterment of Tahsis. I am excitedly looking forward toward a Tahsis that we can all be proud to call home. I hope you will vote for me on October 5th and 15th. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via Facebook Messenger (Samuel Adams); or by email


Thank you for your time and consideration,


Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Message from Jan Bonk

 Who wants chips?

Hi everyone, while serving coffee today I met the contractors clearing back the trees along the hydro cut. They are around for a couple weeks and have offered up free delivery of wood chips from their clearing work for anyone that is interested. Here is their contact info, I just said I would pass along the information. Jan
Joel Summers
Precision Tree Services

Meet the candidate #5


Lifeguard needed


Gym closed for use by election


Monday, 3 October 2022

Sally’s opening

Sally’s will be open Wednesday, October 5

Hrs 11-2 and 5-7 Wednesday thru Saturday
Sunday 11-2
Closed Monday and Tuesday
Open til end of December

Message from Mark Tatchell

 Please note the Tahsis Municipal Hall will be closed on Wednesday, October 5, owing to the advance poll being held at the Tahsis Recreation Centre.  I will be available by cell phone and email.

October health centre schedule


Meet the candidate #4


Meet the candidate #3



1000th post (1) 3000 post (1) 50/50 (1) A Place of Many Winds (1) Accommodation (2) ACE (1) adult summer reading challenge (1) Aerial Yoga (1) age-friendly (2) AGM (3) Air Brake Certification (2) al elections 2022 (1) alarm test (1) Ancient Forest Alliance (1) Anne Cameron (1) Aqua Fit (8) aquafit (1) Art (32) art night (1) Artist Residency (1) Arts (3) ArtStarts (2) Asian night (2) Assessments (1) ATM (1) ATV Trail (2) ATV use (1) Author Night (14) Author Visit (5) Autumn (2) Award (1) Baby (6) barbecue (1) Barbecue Challenge (1) basket making (1) bats and caves (2) battery recycling (1) Bazaar (1) BBQ (15) BBQ Cookoff (3) BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation (2) BC Ambulance (1) BC Emergency Health Services (5) BC Hydro (3) Beach clean up (1) bears (1) Beer Garden (1) Berries (1) Bigs & Smalls (2) Bingo (6) Birthday (3) Bishop (2) black bears (4) Blackberries (4) Bligh island shipwreck (2) blog's birthday (1) boat removal (1) Bocce Ball (4) Boil Water Advisory (2) Book club (1) Books (2) bottle drive (4) bowling (8) Breakfast (2) Bubble soccer (2) Bull of the Woods trail (1) burn ban (2) bus service (1) By-election 2020 (12) by-election 2024 (8) bylaws (1) C. O. R. E. (2) call to artists (1) Camp Ferrier (1) Camp Homewood (1) Campfire ban (8) Camping (1) Canada Day (8) Canada Day 2018 (1) Canada Day 2019 (3) Canada Day 2022 (1) Canada Day 2023 (1) Canada Day parade (1) Canada Day parade 2020 (1) Canada Day trivia (1) Canada Post (3) Canadian Armed Forces (1) Canadian coast guard (7) candy run (1) canning salmon (1) Canoeing (3) Car insurance renewal (1) Card Making Class (1) Caring Canadian Award (1) caroling (1) carpet cleaners (1) Cathy Falavolito (2) Caving (3) Cedar Mill Site (1) Celebration of Learning (2) Celebration of Life (5) cell phone (1) cell service (1) Centre for spiritual living (2) Chair yoga (1) Cheeseburger in Paradise (1) Chemainus Theatre (1) Chili (1) Christmas (41) Christmas Bazaar (12) Christmas bazaar 2021 (1) Christmas bazaar 2024 (1) Christmas caroling (2) Christmas Concert (3) Christmas dinner (1) Christmas eve (1) Christmas Eve 2023 (1) Christmas hampers (2) Christmas mass (2) Christmas party (2) Christmas Tree Lighting (3) Claire Trevena (4) clean up day (1) cleanup (2) climbing wall (13) clothing swap (1) CMESS (146) CMESS Christmas concert (2) CMESS graduation 2030 (1) CMESS public consultation (1) CMESS Sports night (1) Coal creek roasters (1) Coast guard (2) cob oven (1) Coffee with the mayor (1) col (1) Community calendar (4) Community Consultation Meeting (2) Community Dinner (1) Community garden (1) community paramedic (5) community theatre (1) Community Unity Trail (1) Competition (1) compost project (2) composting (1) Concil meeting Feb 16 2021 (1) Conservation Office (4) conservation officer (1) Conuma Cable (4) Conuma Grill (1) Conuma Hatchery (2) conversation series (1) cookie exchange (1) cookoff (1) COSCO workshop (1) costume party (1) Cougar (14) Cougar Annie show (1) cougar attack (1) COVID (2) Covid immunization (2) COVID testing (1) COVID travel restrictions (1) COVID vaccination (5) Covid-19 (58) Craft night (1) Crafts (17) crew (1) Crib (2) crochet (2) Culture Days 2019 (4) CUT (1) Dance (2) David Gogo (1) daylight saving (2) daylight savings (1) Daylight savings ends (1) deck party (1) deck warming (1) decorations (1) delivery funding (1) dental clinic (3) Dentist (3) Department of Fisheries and Oceans (1) DFO (2) Diving (2) diving photo show (1) donations (1) Drama (3) Duck Race (3) E4F (1) earthquake drill (1) Easter (21) Easter mass (2) Easter. Esperanza (2) Echo Valley Bath and Body (1) Economic Development (21) Ehattesat First Nation (1) eHelp (10) elections 2018 (2) Elections Canada (1) Elk River bridge replacement (1) emergency notification testing (1) emergency testing (1) Employment Opportunity (13) Empties 4 Food (2) energy savings kit (1) Epicure (7) Esperanza (30) Esperanza Thanksgiving (1) ESS (1) Essential Oils (1) Exercise (1) f (1) F. A. C. (2) Fall (3) fall prevention course (1) Family Camp (1) Family day (1) Family nature club (10) Fan-Tahsis Trucking (1) Father's Day (5) federal election (3) Ferrer Point (1) Film (1) fire (1) Fire ban (1) firesmart chipper (1) firetruck (2) firewood (1) fireworks (2) First Day of School (1) first post (1) Fishing (16) Fishing Derby (5) Fitness (1) Flag Raising (1) Flea Market (1) Floating homes (1) flod plain (1) flower box projet (1) Flu shots (5) Food (55) food bank (1) food drive (1) Food fest (1) Food Fest Competition (4) Food safe (1) Food Security (14) Foraging (2) Forest (1) Forest crystals (1) Free bowling (2) free income tax preparation (5) Fundraiser (4) fundraisng (8) Game Night (2) Games Night (3) Garage Sale (1) Garbage (1) Gardening (3) Gareth Hurwood (5) giftshop (2) GISHWHES (1) goat petting zoo (1) goats (1) Gold River (4) Gold River Buzz (1) Gold river pharmacy (1) Gold River Record (1) Good citizenship medal (1) good food box (14) government survey (1) Grad 2019 seed sale (1) Grads (7) grants (1) great shake out (2) Greenways Land Trust (1) Grieg Seafood (1) Guest Blogger (2) Guest House (1) gym closure (2) haircut (1) Halloween (21) Halloween 2021 (1) Halloween 2023 (1) Halloween contests (1) HAM radio (4) hampers (1) Harvest (2) Health and Safety (5) health centre (3) health centre schedule (23) Health fair (1) Healthyway Natural Foods (1) help wanted (1) Hemlock Mill Site (1) Herbs (1) highway repair (1) Highway work (1) hikers (1) Hiking (8) Holiday bazaar 2023 (2) Holiday bazaar 2024 (1) holiday garbage schedule (1) Holiday Hours (2) home owner's grant (1) Hospital (1) Ice house (1) ICET (1) International Student Summer Camp Beijing (2) International Summer Camp (1) Internet connected coast (1) Internet Connectivity (3) internet speed test (1) Irish music night (4) Island Coastal Economic Trust (1) Island Health (7) Island health social work (1) JCRs (1) Jello Eating Contest (3) Jewelry (1) Jewelry Making Class (1) Job Opportunity (7) Jude's celebration of life (1) July 1 (1) July 1 2019 (1) jump rope for heart (1) Junior Canadian Rangers (8) Karaoke (1) karst protectioin (1) KCIP (1) Kelly Pool (1) kids (1) Kids Run for Nature (1) kitchen party (1) knights of Columbus (1) knit and crochet in public day (3) knitting (2) Ladies Craft Night (2) Lego Contest (3) lego party (1) Leiner Campground (3) Leiner River (5) Les Dowding Memorial Volunteer Salmon Hatchery (2) Library (4) library holiday hours (1) lifeguard needed (1) lifeguard training (6) Lions Club (15) Literacy Day (1) Little Free Library (3) loaves and fishes foodbank (1) Local Food (24) Local Literature (2) logging (3) Lots for sale (1) Mail in ballot (1) Mainroad (1) maintenance bylaw (1) Malaspina Lake (2) mammogram (2) marina closed (1) Marine Surveyor (1) Market Square Sale (1) Martin Davis (2) maskmaking (1) mass (1) Math Mania (1) mckelvie (3) Me to We (3) meals on wheels (3) Media (1) Member of Parliament (2) metal roses (1) Missoula theatre (2) MLA (3) Mother's Day (9) Motivational Speaker (1) Mount Washington (1) Mountain bike race (2) Moutcha Bay Resort (7) Movie Night (9) Movie Premier (1) Mowachaht Muchalaht First Nation (8) Municip (1) Municipal election 2022 (7) Municipal elections 2018 (20) Murder Mystery (1) Museum (1) Mushrooms (2) Music (48) music boot camp (1) music trivia (2) naloxone training (1) name the puppy (1) Nautical Breeze (6) NCT (1) NDP (2) New Business (1) New year’s eve (1) New year’s eve party (1) New Years Day (9) Night market (2) no nurse (2) Nootka Communities Together (10) Nootka Marine Adventures (1) Nootka Reforestation (2) Nootka Sound Economic Development Corporation (1) Nootka Sound Outdoor Program (11) Nootka Sound RCMP (1) Nootka Sound Watershed Society (5) Nootka Sounds (12) Nootka Trail (2) nootka watershed Society (1) North Island Hospital (1) NoSoF (3) November 11 (1) NSG (1) NSOP (1) Nuchatlitz Provincial Park (1) Ocean Tyde (1) Ocean View Restaurant (10) Oceanview Cafe (3) official coommunity plan (3) oil spill (1) old growth (1) orange shirt day (1) Outdoor movie Tahsis Days (1) PAC (19) PAC raffle (1) PAC spring bazaar (1) Paint night (5) Pancake Breakfast (6) Parade (7) Parking (1) Paula Wild (1) Pete's Farm (2) Pets (4) phone booths (1) Photo Booth (1) Photography (8) physio (1) Pickle ball (3) Picnic (1) Pink Shirt Day (1) pitch-in Canada (1) Plane crash (1) Polar Bear Swim (11) Pool (11) pool closed (7) pool closure (5) pool schedule (25) Poseidon Ocean Systems (1) Poster Contest (2) Potluck (16) pottery (3) pottery club (1) pottery shop (1) Pottery workshop (1) Power Outage (9) prescription policy (1) Prime Minister Trudeau (1) principal (1) Project squash (2) Property for Sale (1) Provincial elections (1) Public Presentation (1) Public Works (8) Puddle Ducks daycare (2) pumpkin carving (1) Purdys (2) Quadra Island (3) Quebec Exchange (1) quilt raffle (3) quilt show (1) Quilting (4) Quilting Class (4) radio plays (3) Raffle (5) Raft Race (5) Random Acts (1) RCMP (3) RCMP Media Release (1) RCMP/community hockey game (1) Real Estate (2) Rec centre (1) rec centre holiday hours (1) Recreation sites (1) Recycling (4) Remembrance Day (14) rental (1) Repair cafe (3) Residential Clean-Up (1) Restaurant (32) retirement (1) Rick James (1) Rise service (1) Road Closure (5) Road Conditions (3) Road Construction (2) road maintenance contacts (1) road survey (1) Rock the Dock (32) Rock the Dock 2019 (12) Rock the dock 2020 (2) Rock the dock 2021 (6) Rock the Dock 2022 (1) Rock the Dock 2023 (6) Rock the Dock 2024 (5) Royal Canadian Navy (2) Rugged Mountain (1) rural health survey (1) Sally's Grill (34) Sally’s Grill (1) Salmon (4) salmon derby (3) Salmon Enhancement Derby (2) Santa Claus (4) sauna (1) Save On Foods (1) Scavenger Hunt (4) school (1) School board (1) School District 84 (11) Science (3) science fair (1) Scotch Broom (5) SD84 (2) sea cans (1) seaweed (2) seed library (1) seed sale (1) Senior centre (4) Senior Centre lunch (4) senior centre pot luck (2) Seniors Centre (9) Sewing (3) Share a Smile Society (6) Sheila Orr’s obituary (1) Shop Local (2) Shopping (6) Shorebird Expeditions (2) Side Door concert (1) Silent Auction (5) Siren test (1) Skiing (1) Slugfest (6) soapmaking (1) Spar Tree Gifts (2) Spar Tree music (2) Spartree Gifts (3) Spring Bazaar (12) Spring Break (5) spring clean up (5) Springtime (21) Squash yards (1) St. Joseph's Catholic Church (21) St. Joseph’s mass (2) St. Patrick's Day (6) Steak Night (8) Stocking raffle (1) Stop motion club (1) story time (2) Storytime (9) Strathcona Food Network (2) Strathcona Regional Emergency Preparedness (1) street repairs (1) stroke awareness (1) Summer (9) summer market (2) summer markets 2021 (3) Summer Solstice (1) summer student village job (1) Sunday market (1) Surfing (1) Swim instructor course (1) Swimm (1) Swimming (9) swimming pool (8) TACo (4) Tahsis Artisans' Coop (17) Tahsis Beautification (1) Tahsis Boat Launch (1) Tahsis Breakfast Club of Canada (8) Tahsis Building Supply (3) Tahsis Christian Church (3) Tahsis Community Church (6) Tahsis Community Food Trade (2) Tahsis Community Garden Society (45) Tahsis Days (83) Tahsis Days 2017 (14) Tahsis days 2018 (13) Tahsis Days 2019 (11) Tahsis Days 2021 (4) Tahsis Days 2022 (1) Tahsis days 2023 (4) Tahsis days 2024 (5) Tahsis Emergency Services (14) Tahsis Farm (13) Tahsis Farm concert (2) Tahsis Farm to School (15) Tahsis Fish Processing Ltd. (4) Tahsis Health Centre (30) Tahsis Health Centre Auxillary (3) Tahsis Heritage Society (4) Tahsis History (5) Tahsis hospital auxiliary (1) Tahsis Ice Company (1) Tahsis Landfill (1) Tahsis library (44) Tahsis Lions Club (7) Tahsis Literacy (3) Tahsis Literacy Society (72) Tahsis Museum (3) Tahsis Recreation Centre (158) tahsis recreation centre closing (4) Tahsis River (2) Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Society (21) Tahsis Senior's Society (44) Tahsis Supermarket (9) Tahsis Time Grill (5) Tahsis Trail Club (1) Tahsis Trail Club. hikers (1) Tahsis Trail Tenders (1) Tahsis TShirts (1) Tahsis Volunteer Firefighters Association (23) Tahsis writing (1) Tahtsa Dive Charters (5) Talent Show (1) Tax deferment (1) Tax Notice (1) tax sales (2) tea (1) tech tuesday (3) Teen Game Night (2) teen writing contest (1) telephone book (1) Terry Fassbender (1) Terry fox run (2) Thanksgiving (9) The Great Walk (2) The Local (14) The President's Tree (2) The Royal Family (1) Theatre (1) TLS (14) Toddler time (1) Toonies for Tummies (1) tortoise and the hare (1) totem (1) Tourism Vancouver Island (1) Tourist Info Centre (6) Townsite (1) Trails (2) transportation project (1) transportation table (1) tree farm licence (1) Treeplanting (1) Trivia (4) trivia night (3) Troy Moth (1) tsunami alert test (1) Tsunamis (1) Tug of War (1) Twang Gang (16) Ubedam Theatre Society (41) Uchuck (6) Ukrainian Easter Egg Decorating (2) underwater photography (2) Upana (2) vacation greeting (1) Valentine's (8) Valentines TLS (1) Valnetine's day (2) Vancouver Island Health Authority (1) Vancouver Island Regional Library Tahsis Branch (28) vet schedule (2) Veterinary Services (1) Victoria Day (1) VIHA (11) VIHA February 2018 (1) VIHA notice (2) VIHA September 2018 (1) VIllage Council (22) VIllage of Tahsis (61) Village Office (2) VIRL (49) VIRL Adulting 101 (1) VIRL Tahsis Library (13) VIRL tech help (4) Vision Screening (1) Volleyball Tournament (1) Volunteering (21) volunteers (1) W.E.T. Inspector (1) walking club (3) Warning (1) Wastewater upgrade (1) water safety talk (1) WE scare hunger (1) welcome back (1) well (1) Western Forest Products (6) Westview Marina (78) Weymer Creek Provincial Park (1) WFP (2) Whale (4) Whistler (1) Wilderness First Aid (2) Wildlife (18) Wildlife habitat area (1) winter preparedness (1) wolves (2) woman's self defense (1) women\s retreat (1) wood debris removal (2) wood stove exchange program (1) Workshop (25) World Wildlife Fund Canada's Kids' Run for Nature (2) Wreath Making Workshop (9) Writers (3) Yoga (11) Yuquot (3) Zeballos (2) ZOOM bingo (17) ZOOM trivia (3) Zucchini Races (2) zumba (3)