Tahsis is a remote village on the west coast of Vancouver Island. With only 400 residents, we don't have many of the conveniences of larger towns but we do have community spirit and lots to do in our spectacularly wild and beautiful environment.
Friday, 30 July 2021
Craft night restarts
We're restarting Craft Night on Wednesday, August 4. At the Senior Centre from 7-9. This is a special one because it's a farewell to Janet Kirsop. Come with your handwork and chat. Or just come to chat. If you are new to Tahsis, this is the chance to see if this group is for you.
Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Tuesday, 27 July 2021
Monday, 26 July 2021
Friday, 23 July 2021
Wednesday, 21 July 2021
Monday, 19 July 2021
Employment opportunity VIHA
Grants of all kinds
The LFIF is aimed at community-based, not-for-profit organizations with a mission to reduce food insecurity by establishing and strengthening their local food system. This fund has re-opened with double the funding. Applications opened on July 12th, 2021 and funding is to help prevent hunger through investments in infrastructure needs. Project impacts must be targeted, immediate, and directly related to addressing food insecurity and increasing the accessibility of healthy, nutritious and ideally local foods within the community.
- Eligible Applicants – not-for-profit organizations that have been in operation for at least 2 years as a legal entity, Indigenous groups, municipalities (NOTE - Municipalities may apply only if there are no not-for-profit organizations in the community currently providing food security services to vulnerable populations (such as a food bank or community kitchen).
- Maximum Funding – The new application intake will provide rapid-response grants valued between $15,000 and $100,000
- Eligible Projects - Projects must be infrastructure specific, community-driven and dedicated to improving access to safe and healthy foods for Canadians at risk of food insecurity. Eligible projects must be for simple infrastructure requests such as purchasing a walk-in refrigerator for a food bank, or installing a greenhouse in a remote community. Complex projects, including major renovations, and multi-year projects will not be considered under this funding intake, as impacts must be targeted and immediate. Project activities must be completed by March 31, 2022.
- Deadline – Applications will be accepted until August 13, 2021 (depending on funding availability). Applicants may submit a proposal at any time before the deadline.
- Additional information on what the program offers, eligibility, and how to apply is available on the program site at: https://agriculture.canada.ca/
en/agricultural-programs-and- services/local-food- infrastructure-fund - For Indigenous Groups who require assistance in filling-out the application form, please contact the AAFC Indigenous Pathfinder Service. To contact a Pathfinder, please e-mail: aafc.indigenouspathfinder-
explorateurautochtone.aac@agr. gc.ca - For more information on the Local Food Infrastructure Fund, please contact the program by email aafc.foodprograms-
programmesalimentaires.aac@ or phone 1-877-246-4682agr.gc.ca
A renewed Fisheries and Aquaculture Clean Technology Adoption Program (FACTAP) has been launched (click here for the news release). As you may be aware, Federal Budget 2021 proposed an investment of $10 million to extend the program for two more years. These additional funds will support Canada’s fisheries, aquaculture and seafood processing operations in adopting clean technologies to improve the environmental performance and competitiveness of these industries.
- Eligible Applicants – Must be currently active in, or support activities related to, the fish and seafood sectors, including: wild capture fisheries, fisheries aquaculture, processing of fisheries products AND be a commercial enterprise, Indigenous organization, or industry/professional association. Please review the full eligibility requirements here: https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/
aquaculture/business- entreprises/factap- application-patppa-002-eng.htm - Maximum Funding - Eligible applicants may receive up to 75% of eligible costs (maximum of $1.0 million per year) for clean technology adoption projects.
- Deadline - FACTAP applications are accepted on a continuous basis, however the deadline to be considered for the first round of funding decisions will be at the end of August 2021 (exact date to be confirmed). If you miss the first round, your application will be retained for the next round of funding. Deadlines will also be posted to Pacific Region Fishery Notices; please ensure you are subscribed to one of the following categories: Aboriginal – General Information, Commercial – General Information and any of the Aquaculture categories.
- Changes to the program- For those familiar with the existing program, please note there are a few changes to the renewed program:
- The application (expression of interest) and proposal forms have been combined into 1 document. If you wish to discuss your project idea before completing the application, please contact DFO.PAC.FACTAP-PATPPA.PAC.MPO@
dfo-mpo.gc.ca to setup a phone appointment. - Provincial funding will no longer be a requirement to be eligible for the program, however, provincial funding support is encouraged and obtaining letter of support is still required.
- Innovation projects in the later stages of development (Technology Readiness Level [TRL] 7-9) will now be eligible for the aquaculture sector (previously, only market-ready technologies were eligible).
- Applying to the program - Interested parties may download the new application form from the website. Note that old application forms will no longer be accepted.
- For more information, please visit the program website at http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/
cleantech , or contact DFO.PAC.FACTAP-PATPPA.PAC.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
The B.C. Indigenous Agriculture Development Program, started in 2018, is part of the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a five-year, $3-billion investment by Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen and grow Canada's agri-food and agri-products sectors. This commitment includes $2 billion for programs cost-shared by the federal and provincial/territorial governments that are designed and delivered by provinces and territories.
· Eligible Applicants - The program offers two streams of support: one for Indigenous governments, communities and organizations and the other for Indigenous entrepreneurs. Review each stream for specific eligibility details.
· Maximum Funding -
Ø Stream 1 provides funding of up to $19,000 to Indigenous governments, communities, and organizations for feasibility assessments of food and agriculture development options, food security planning and business planning.
Ø Stream 2 provides funding up to $8,000 to Indigenous entrepreneurs for specialized planning and coaching services to develop and plan their food and agricultural businesses.
· Deadline - Applications are being accepted on a first-come first-serve basis until the funding is fully subscribed. To apply, visit: https://www2.
· If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact program staff via AgriBusiness@gov.bc.ca or 1-888-221-7141.
The Tourism Relief Fund, administered by Canada’s regional development agencies and Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), supports tourism businesses and organizations adapt their operations to meet public health requirements while investing in products and services to facilitate their future growth. For BC, this fund is administered by Western Economic Diversification.
- Eligible Applicants - include tourism entities that cater mainly to visitors, such as: businesses, not-for-profit organizations (such as tourism associations), band councils or other Indigenous organizations and cooperatives
Ø To be eligible for this fund, applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- be a key supplier or operator in the visitor experience
- be part of a defined tourism cluster or a tourism dependent community, including supporting downtown cores
- provide an anchor product or service in a tourism destination
- Maximum Funding - project contribution amounts will not normally exceed $500,000.
- Contributions to businesses will be either: non-repayable contributions up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $100,000 or repayable contributions up to 75% of eligible costs to a maximum of $500,000.
- Contributions to non-profit organizations/Indigenous entities (not generating profits) will normally be non-repayable to a max of $500,000.
· Deadline - Accepting applications now and with a continuous intake.
· Additional information is on the program website at: https://www.wd-deo.gc.ca/eng/
The Jobs and Growth Fund (JGF) is a $700-million federal program to support regional job creation and position local economies for long-term growth. The fund will help job creators and the organizations that support them future-proof their businesses, build resiliency and prepare for growth by supporting the transition to a green economy; fostering an inclusive recovery; enhancing Canada's competitiveness through digital adoption to improve productivity and manufacturing processes; and strengthening capacity in sectors critical to Canada's recovery and growth.
- Eligible Applicants - businesses (including co-operatives), not-for-profit organizations and community economic development partners, and Indigenous-led organizations and/or businesses.
- Maximum Funding -
- Eligible businesses could receive interest-free repayable contributions for up to 50% of eligible costs.
- Eligible not-for profit organizations could receive non-repayable contributions for up to 90% of eligible costs.
- Deadline – Applications will be accepted through a continuous intake process. All projects must be completed prior to March 31, 2024, as no further funding will be available after that date.
- Additional information is on the program website at https://www.wd-deo.gc.ca/eng/
20183.asp and in the program applicant guide https://www.wd-deo.gc.ca/eng/20185.asp . - Contact program staff by phone 604-666-6256 or email wd.bc-cb.deo@canada.ca
Please note: For Indigenous applicants interested in submitting an application to the B.C. Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant Program, you should plan on submitting from the Indigenous government rather than the Economic Development Corporation. Program staff are in discussions about whether or not EDCs could be eligible applicants. Another update will be sent to inform you whether or not EDCs are considered eligible applicants.
Bridget Horel
Regional Economic Operations Branch – Regional Manager North Vancouver Island/Sunshine Coast
Rural Development Unit
Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
370 Dogwood Street South, Campbell River, BC
Bridget.Horel@gov.bc.ca │250-202-8619 (Cell) │
Saturday, 17 July 2021
Thursday, 15 July 2021
Wednesday, 14 July 2021
Purchases needed for Tahsis Days
There are three events at this weekend’s Tahsis Days that need you to buy entries beforehand.
Zoom Bingo takes place at 7:00 on Friday. Bingo cards can be purchased for $5 at the Building Supply.
The Duck Dunk happens at 1:00 on Sunday. Ducks can be purchased for $2 at the Building Supply.
Chicken poop Bingo is at 10:00 Sunday morning. $2 entries can be bought at the Rec Centre.
Complete details can be found at:
Tuesday, 13 July 2021
Monday, 12 July 2021
August health centre schedule
Sunday, 11 July 2021
Thursday, 8 July 2021
Garage Sale
Garage sale
181 Boston Rd
Saturday, July 10
Planned power outages
BC Hydro is planning multiple power outages around Tahsis starting July 12. Go to this site https://www.bchydro.com/power-outages/app/outage-list.html?webtrends#planned-1602896846 to see when it affects your neighbourhood. Scroll down to Tahsis.
Oil spill cleanup complete
Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Subject: FN0657-PRECAUTIONARY NOTICE - All Species - Area 25 - Termination of Oil Spill Response Operations
Response operations to the oil leak from a sunken vessel in Zuciarte Channel (PFMA 25-15) on the eastern side of Bligh Island are now complete. All booms, anchors, etc. have been removed and the Canadian Coast Guard’s emergency zone has been lifted.
Please contact the Canadian Coast Guard Regional Operations Centre at 1-800-889-8852 to report observations of oil in the environment. In the event of an oil-impacted wildlife sighting, please contact the DFO Observe Record Report line at 1-800-465-4336.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center - FN0657
Sent July 8, 2021 at 09:35
Visit us on the Web at http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
New library hours as of July 7
Tahsis Library
New hours
Wednesday: 1 - 4 & 5 - 8
Thursday: 10 – 12 & 1 – 5
Friday: 10 – 2
Saturday: 10 – 2
Book drop bins open: 24 x 7
Monday, 5 July 2021
Saturday, 3 July 2021
Tahsis Days Facebook page
Join our (15) Tahsis Days 2021 | Facebook page to be up to date on all virtual and in person Tahsis Days events!
Thursday, 1 July 2021
Campfire ban
Campfire Bans
Effective at noon (Pacific time) on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, campfires will be prohibited throughout the province of British Columbia.
In addition to campfires, the following activities are also prohibited:
- The use of fireworks
- The use of sky lanterns
- The use of burn barrels or burn cages of any size or description
- The use of binary exploding targets
- The use of tiki and similar kinds of torches
- The use of chimineas
- The use of outdoor stoves or other portable campfire apparatus without a Canadian Standards Association (CSA) or Underwriter Laboratories of Canada (ULC) rating
- The use of air curtain burners in Cariboo, Coastal, Northwest, Prince George and Southeast fire centres
For more information, please refer to the news release: http://ow.ly/V7aO50Fksx7
Construction begins this summer on flood projects
Canada and British Columbia invest in flood mitigation to improve community resilience
From: Infrastructure Canada
News release
Victoria, British Columbia, June 30, 2021—The safety and well-being of people are top priorities of the governments of Canada and British Columbia. Investing in local infrastructure during this extraordinary time helps create jobs, supports local economies, and makes communities more resilient.
Today, Patrick Weiler, Member of Parliament for West Vancouver—Sunshine Coast—Sea-to-Sky Country, on behalf of the Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, and the Honourable Mike Farnworth, British Columbia’s Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, announced funding to increase flood resiliency and improve the safety of residents in 12 communities across B.C.
Among the projects approved today, the City of Penticton will construct a deeper and wider channel in Penticton Creek to increase fish habitat, improve bank stability, and ensure the creek can better withstand future flood flows. The project will also remove three deteriorated drop structures and approximately 350 metres of existing concrete lining, replacing them with river rock, riffles, and pools.
In Dawson Creek, the 102nd Avenue crossing will be replaced with a two-lane, 26-meter clear span bridge bordered by a protected pedestrian sidewalk on both sides. In addition, water and storm mains crossing the creek will be replaced and catch basins will be added to divert stormwater from the road surface.
The Village of Tahsis, which is highly susceptible to flooding, will upgrade three existing flood mitigation works: the North Maquinna Drive Floodwall, the Cook Street Dike, and the Boston Street Internal Drainage System. Once implemented, these upgrades will protect residents and existing assets from future flooding.
The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia are investing over $24.5 million in these projects through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program’s new COVID-19 Community Resilience Stream. Canada is contributing over $19.8 million, and B.C. is contributing over $4.7 million. Federal funding is conditional on fulfilling all requirements related to consultation with Indigenous groups and environmental assessment.
Additional projects will be announced in the coming weeks.