Tahsis is a remote village on the west coast of Vancouver Island. With only 400 residents, we don't have many of the conveniences of larger towns but we do have community spirit and lots to do in our spectacularly wild and beautiful environment.
Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Sunday, 27 September 2020
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Voting by mail
If you want to vote by mail in the October provincial election, go to this site to request a ballot.
Monday, 21 September 2020
New location for daycare
Mayor Martin announced: On Friday, the Province announced the approval of School District #84's $170k grant to construct daycare spaces in Captain Meares school for the Tahsis daycare. The Village prepared the grant application for the school district.
The government press release reads:
" Thousands of new child care spaces coming to B.C. communities This backgrounder contains additional information on the organizations that have received funding through the Childcare BC New Spaces Fund between Feb. 10, 2020 to Sept. 11, 2020. The latest round of funding will support the creation of a total of 3,634 new licensed child care spaces for B.C. families. Note that some of these facilities may now be operational.
Tahsis The School District #84 (Vancouver Island West) Board of Education is creating eight spaces at the Tahsis Child Care Centre."
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Terry Fox Run
2020 Terry Fox Run
One Day. Your Way.
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Monday, 14 September 2020
Saturday, 12 September 2020
September 15 Council meeting electronic access
Agenda for the Regular Meeting of the Tahsis Village Council to be held on September 15, 2020 in the Council Chambers Municipal Hall, 977 South Maquinna Drive and by electronic means
Remote access: To attend this meeting remotely via Zoom/ phone
Join the Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/7473599558
Dial by your location +1 647 374 4685 Canada
Meeting ID: 747 359 9558
CBC radio interviewed Mayor Martin about karst protection
As It Happens with Carol Off, Chris Howden
When the link loads you can move the blue line to 1:10 and hear the interview.
McKelvie Valley one of nine areas the government will defer logging
Victoria BC – The Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA) is celebrating the BC government’s announcement today that it will defer logging in nine areas, including world-famous Clayoquot Sound, and protect some of BC’s biggest trees while it works to develop a new provincial approach to old-growth management. But they say much more work urgently needs to be done to protect BC’s at-risk old-growth forests while supporting BC forestry workers and First Nations communities.
The announcement coincides with the long-awaited release of a report, entitled A New Future for Old Forests, by an independent Old Growth Strategic Review panel, comprised of professional foresters Garry Merkel and Al Gorely, which contains 14 recommendations on how BC can better manage its endangered old-growth forests based on feedback gathered from thousands of British Columbians last fall and winter.

In addition to accepting and immediately implementing the panel’s first recommendation to increase First Nations’ involvement in old-growth management, the BC government announced it will immediately defer logging in nine areas totaling almost 353,000 ha of forest across BC – 200,000 ha of which is old-growth.
The temporary deferrals include the entire unlogged McKelvie Valley near Tahsis on Vancouver Island, the Incomappleux Valley in BC’s inland temperate rainforest, and over 250,000 ha in Clayoquot Sound, the largest intact area of old-growth forest on Vancouver Island.
“This is a positive first step, especially for Clayoquot Sound, which is home to some of BC’s most spectacular ancient forests. Now, the province needs to uphold its commitment to work with First Nations in the region to further the implementation of their visions towards securing a future for their people and the old-growth forests in their territories,” stated Ancient Forest Alliance campaigner Andrea Inness.
The province also announced a Special Tree Protection Regulation would be introduced to protect 1,000 to 1,500 of BC’s exceptionally large trees with one-hectare buffer zones around them.

“We welcome the BC government’s decision to protect more of BC’s biggest trees and hope to see the Special Tree Protection Regulation expanded to capture additional trees as well as the province’s grandest groves,” stated AFA campaigner and photographer TJ Watt.
“More importantly, the BC government has signaled that it recognizes that fundamental changes are needed in the way old-growth forests are managed in BC. The panel’s report is a blueprint for a complete paradigm shift. The province now needs to commit to starting a process, based on science, to implement the Old-Growth Strategic Review panel’s recommendations over the three-year timeframe they suggest.”
“The immediate steps announced today are an encouraging start. However, they still leave out the vast majority of BC’s most endangered ecosystem types and highest productivity old-growth stands, which are of the greatest value to industry and species at risk. While the province has committed to working with First Nations leaders to identify and implement additional deferrals, they need to ensure these are located in BC’s highest risk ecosystems.”
According to a recent analysis by independent scientists, referenced in the panel’s report, only 2.7% of BC’s high productivity, big tree old-growth forests remain today and many of BC’s forest ecosystem types have very little old-growth remaining, leading to a high risk of permanent loss of biodiversity across much of BC. One of the panel’s recommendations to the province is to place logging deferrals in ecosystems and landscapes with very little old-growth forest remaining while a new strategy is implemented.”
“We need to hear the BC government embrace both reports’ findings, make a strong commitment to put ecosystem health and biodiversity ahead of timber values, and set higher, science-based, legislated targets to protect old-growth forests, which the panel also recommends.”
“We also support the province’s commitment to work with First Nations leaders, governments, and organizations on old-growth management solutions – something the NDP government promised it would do in its 2017 election platform, but has only just begun,” stated Inness. “However, without funding for Indigenous-led land-use planning and sustainable economic alternatives for First Nations communities tied to old-growth protection, the main economic option being provided by the province for First Nations is old-growth logging.”
“A core part of the province’s strategy must include funding for the creation and stewardship of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs), First Nations’ sustainable economic development based on things like cultural and ecotourism, clean energy, and value-added wood manufacturing, and the purchase and protection of endangered old-growth forests on private lands.”
The BC government has stated that more work needs to be done to study the socio-economic impacts of the panel’s recommendations. To that end, the province has committed to undertaking an engagement process with conservation groups, stakeholders, labour unions, and communities.
“Where there are socio-economic impacts, there needs to be economic support for First Nations, workers, and forest-dependent communities. This includes funding to support the transition to sustainable, second-growth forestry and away from logging old-growth, as recommended by the BC government’s own Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services in their Budget 2021 consultation report released last month. Without funding for these critical pieces, comprehensive old-growth protection cannot be achieved.”
“Today’s announcement could signal the start of a new, science-based approach to old-growth management in BC, but it could just as easily signal the start of further delays and long, drawn-out consultation processes with few meaningful results. BC’s endangered ancient forests, communities, and at-risk species can’t afford to wait while the province decides which of the panel’s recommendations to implement and when. They need and expect action now.”

The announcement comes at a time when British Columbians are becoming increasingly outraged by the province’s slow response to the old-growth crisis. The ongoing blockade near the headwaters of Fairy Creek and on Edinburgh Mountain in Pacheedaht territory near Port Renfrew, protests in Nanaimo and Campbell River, and the upcoming Forest March protests on September 18th are a testament to the dissatisfaction with status quo old-growth logging in BC. According to a 2019 poll by Sierra Club BC, 90% of British Columbians support action by the province to protect endangered old-growth forests.
Recreation Centre Swimming Pool COVID-19 safety plan
(Only those guidelines related to users)
This Safety Plan describes the policies, guidelines and procedures for employees and
the public in the Recreation Center Swimming Pool to reduce the risk of transmission of
This Safety Plan is intended as an addition to the Tahsis Recreation Centre Safety Plan.
The requirements and standards in the Recreation Centre Safety Plan apply.
- Signs are posted at the pool entrance that inform patrons that they must not enter the pool area if they are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms.
- Patrons must maintain physical distance of two meters from other patrons and staff while on the pool deck, pool and all other areas.
- Patrons are required to use hand sanitizer upon entering the recreation center.
- The number of patrons permitted in the pool at any one time will be capped.
- Patrons shower at home before and after pool use.
- Patrons arrive at the pool wearing their bathing suits .
- Patrons are not permitted to share water bottles, towels, goggles or other equipment. Snorkels are not permitted.
- The use of goggles is encouraged.
- Any shared equipment, e.g., PFDs, are disinfected between each user by leaving in the pool for a few minutes.
- Patrons access and exit the pool area directly through the lobby area, not through the change rooms. Change rooms are only to be accessed by bathers who need to use the bathroom.
- Pool deck signage indicates one-way traffic flow around the pool area.
- Patrons are informed when they make a reservation of the policy restricting people exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 and people who have come in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 from the facility.
- Patrons are also advised that they must cancel a reservation if they develop symptoms after booking an appointment. The facility's illness policy and protocols are communicated verbally to patrons prior to booking appointments.
- The policy and protocols are posted on the Village website on the "Recreation" page.
- Persons interested in making a reservation are referred to the web page. AQUATIC PROGAMMING .
- For lane swimming, a reservation is required.
- One swimmer is permitted per lane to ensure a two-meter bubble of space, unless the swimmers are from the same family or group.
- For fitness classes, physical distancing of two meters is implemented. . Instructors give safety guidelines to class participants before class begins . Swimmers bring own equipment.
Thursday, 10 September 2020
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Westview Marina’s power outage special
Sunday, September 13th.
When the lights go out, come on down to the Marina for our Burger & Cold drink special from 11:30 am to 6pm.
Sunday, 6 September 2020
Thursday, 3 September 2020
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
Tuesday, 1 September 2020
Message from John Falavalito
Please report that-
Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Derby raised $44,000
With Half the Entrance # = 78 fisher & 50 Awards participances
$8,000 came from USA donations to the VIP Salmon Enhancement Board
WOW! Way to Go! & Way better than we thought we would do!!!
Thanks to All the Volunteers, Staff & Donors!!!