Thursday, 27 September 2018

Statement by council candidate Bill Elder

1.  What made you decide to run in this election?

A man I hold in high esteem felt I would be a sane voice and asked me to consider running. I have had discussions with many people and decided I have something to offer Tahsis. I have through my union experience been given a firm foundation in the political arena. 

2.  What part of your background (experience, education, skills etc.) would make you a good person in this office?

I served on union committee for over 20yrs in every capacity, trustee, Supervisor for 16 + years, my wife and I raised 6 children here in Tahsis. Education I received and resolves in all aspects of this journey will be an asset when it comes to Village issues. I am honest to a fault and I am forth right in speaking, never afraid to tackle issue.
3. What is the most important issue facing Tahsis and what will you do to address it?

 I find this an impossible question. It is not I who picks the " most important issue" . This is the people of Tahsis decision, they will decide what that issue may be and direct council to act upon those wishes. Once that position is made then it is up to council to expend their resources to achieve that goal. I would hope that the proposed logging in our valley and watershed is one issue, the other I would hope would be some type of industrial employment, another the TFL in which Western holds. 

4. Any additional comments you would like to make?

 There are many issues facing Tahsis, some the out going council have addressed. It is for me, if elected to learn what they did or did not do and proceed from there. I do not believe in spending money we don't have, raising taxes to pay for everything is NOT an option.
Try and make Tahsis an even better place to live. All people, all businesses must be on an equal basis.
Whom ever gets elected will be new to Tahsis council. They will need the town people's patience and understanding, They have alot to consume in a short period of time without any prior council leadership.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Statement by council candidate Lynda Llewellyn

1. What made you decide to run in this election?

I started attending council meetings in January to see how the process worked and to understand what is involved in being a councilor. After much thought, discussion with my husband and encouragement within the community I decided to run in this election. 

2. What part of your background (experience, education, skills etc.) would make you a good person in this office?

I have a lot of years experience in the non profit sector as a volunteer and as an employee. That experience taught me a lot about how funding works and how little discretionary money is available. How funding works at the municipal level is very similar to the non profit sector. I have volunteered on planning committees for both International and National Conferences. I have written funding proposals. I have worked in both an MLA's office and and MP's office. I have years of experience with public speaking and speak with passion when I believe in my subject...and I believe in Tahsis as a home and as a tourist destination. 

3. What is the most important issue facing Tahsis and what will you do to address it?

While to road is an ongoing issue it is just a piece of the puzzle to attracting people to Tahsis to visit and perhaps make it their home. Home should, in my opinion, be some place you always feel safe. Tahsis is relatively crime free so that feeling of a safe place exists here. However during the recent wildfire scare I became aware of a different threat to my feeling of safety. As I looked around at all the dry brush and grass around empty homes and lots I realized how quickly a fire would spread if it entered our village. I hear all the time accidents response is...almost all accidents are preventable if we are proactive. Besides being a fire hazard a lot of the brush around town is a great hiding spot for cougars and bears. I would like to work with my fellow council members, the fire department  and the village staff to see if there is not some way to clean the worst of these hazards before the next fire season hits us.  I am open to hearing what the community feels is the most important issue so we can make Tahsis the home town we can all be proud of for years to come.

4. Any additional comments you would like to make?

Since arriving in Tahsis a little over a year ago I have come to think of it as my home town. I have become involved with many groups and activities and even thrown 2 deck parties for the whole village. I joined the Literacy Society, the Seniors Society and the Community Garden Society and have volunteered with each of these groups. I have met a lot of people in Tahsis and I am sure we can work together to continue to make Tahsis a wonderful place to call home.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Statement by mayoral candidate Dave McIntosh

1 What made you decide to run in this election?

 In recent years the Village has taken a turn for the worst. It looks neglected, run down with no changes in sight.  We have to do something to attract new interests and to draw a wide variety of new business opportunities. We have not had a new residence built since I was last in office. Fair business practices have been over looked due to hasty decisions. Bylaws have been altered with out proper public consultation, and with out consideration of what and how big brothers (other larger cities ) have dealt with these problems to create a wise and informative solution. We are one of the very few Towns to show a zero growth line. We need to grow a larger tax base in order to stay alive. We were lucky to obtain a grant to repair some of our infrastructure, but you cannot depend on that forever. We have to work hard  and make changes for the better if this town is going to survive. We have one of the highest tax charges per invested dollars, with the least returns. Taxes continue to rise with little to show for improvements. This is one of the last generations with the highest disposable incomes that we will ever see for a long time. We have to get on board this gravy train. If we miss it, we will not have a sustainable tax base to keep this town vibrant and viable. We have all the things we need to turn Tahsis around. All that is missing is little vision, foresight and knowledge on how to do it.
 I honestly feel that I have what it will take to do it.

2 What part of your background would make you a good person in this office?

  In the past I held the Mayors seat from 2005-08  in Tahsis. I am very familiar with the vast number of Acts that regulate the functions of a municipality, on the Local Government level plus Provincial and Federal mandates. I feel comfortable working with executive staff to create interesting scenarios for bettering Tahsis. I have owned my own business in the lower mainland for many years. I worked in the mills in Tahsis  for many years doing maintenance, leading up to Charge hand position. I have conducted many services in Tahsis to aid citizens and continue to do so. I currently work for a firm located in Vancouver that carry out Federal Government contracts of varied natures. For the last five years as project superintendent, I have worked with both large, and small crews, sub contractors, different levels of DND and DCC.  I am use to being in charge and am comfortable making informative decisions. I am a grade 12 graduate with many post secondary training skills that apply to the day to day operations of  the Village . I am not afraid to work long and hard and apply all my skills to make things better  for both citizens and The Village of Tahsis.

3 What is the most important issue facing Tahsis and what will you do to address it?

  I feel that the most important issue facing Tahsis is viability. It is going to take a lot of objective management to make this town sustainable. There are going to be changes that some people will not like or understand why, and changes that will guide people to a better direction of improvement. I hope to work with staff to create a smooth, harmonious and intriguing change for the betterment of Tahsis. It is important that we keep our school, rec-centre and social structure alive. We have the means here right now to do it, so lets get started. 

4 Any additional comments you would like to make?

  I have been a resident of Tahsis for over thirty years. I have two grown children and three grand children. I have worked at, and with many different occupational positions in Tahsis and have never regretted the day that I moved here, Other than the road from time to time. My son served in Afghanistan and Bosnia with the Canadian Armed Forces, and is currently with the BC Sheriffs department. My daughter is the Corporate Executive officer of Cactus Club Restaurants. And the grand kids are there to keep challenging my skills and youthfulness. They all love to come to Tahsis for what ever activity  they can jump into, and never question why I am here. They too know a good thing.  
I hope this questions and answers notice will give an idea of where I stand and where I would like to see the Village of Tahsis end up.
Thank you to All my friends in Tahsis
Dave McIntosh
Mayoral Candidate

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Statement by council candidate Sarah Fowler

1. What made you decide to run in this election?

 Why I am running for council is simple. To serve the needs of the members in this community. Humblest offerings of my compassion and fellowship here in Tahsis. With respect and integrity in  pursuit and practice of our objective, participatory local democracy.  Residents, citizens and neighbours share public spaces and values of accountability. I engage in public debate as needed but I live to serve.  My pledge is to ask for help, because it takes strength to do so and we are stronger when we pull together. I need you to tell me where you are at with respect to perspective.  As I understand it people have changing needs. But what are the needs versus the wants. They change everyday but also maintain a constant hum like a waterfall. We all have a unique understanding. Unity is a collection. A diverse spectrum of views, each sharing the knowledge and experiences we have to contribute.   It is in the spirit of collaboration and leadership that I seek office, to strive for strong ethics built on first principles.  When I first came to the village seven years ago, like many before me, I was inspired by the potential. The magic of the first white Christmas, where the fire department drove the old pumper and the lions club gave out mandarin oranges and candy.  Since then I have developed a deeper sense of the work, burden and sacrifice involved in the day to day operations in a pioneer outpost village. This summer I hosted my own visitors and made social efforts in volunteerism.  Win, lose or draw I make my personal investments and continue to support those who ask me to do so; to the best of my ability.  

2. What part of your background (experience, education, skills etc.) would make you a good person in this office?

What I have to offer?  
I started my political career on the phones, volunteering at sixteen years old to do polling in my home riding in London Ontario.  Later I studied Canadian politics at Carleton University in Ottawa. At twenty years old, I got a job as an administrative assistant working at the west block of the House of Commons. While working for the minister of immigration I sent congratulatory letters to new Canadians who lived in the member of Parliaments constituency. During this time I managed correspondence of the office and was invited to the prime minister's garden party. The liberal I worked for was in the true grit band with Jean Chrétien.  After my time on Parliament Hill I came to a more practical, less bureaucratic democracy.  Fundraising for charities and non-governmental advocacy groups, I travelled to Africa in 2006 to make a film. This experience is one that helped me to understand that the appetite for exploitation will never rest. Developing long term vision is a way I learn to avoid conflict. Diverse interest from business to stewardship. From there I found the forestry people who replant trees for the timber companies which led me to where I am now. Promoting our rainforest community to others, advocating for social programs in the hinterland.  Strategic planning and leading deliberations. My twenty ninth birthday here in Tahsis opened a chapter where I embark on nurturing and parenting. Adopt financial plan and broadly allocate resources.  Blunt decision making, simple calm and effective listening are important to me. I have been involved in the salmon enhancement, community garden and literacy society meetings.  My resolve to work through conflict with appropriate disagreement tactics and have humble and open discourse.  Hopeful but realistically looking forward to bring my skills as a communicator to rally for ecological conservation and sustainable future.

3.What is the most important issue facing Tahsis and what will you do to address it?
This is a matter of perspective.  I care about people and specializing the social services to best fit needs that arise. Make policy for the Universal improvement of humans. Maintaining the community resources. Keeping places like the school, clinic and recreation centre from being closed and making sure they are being used to their fullest potential. Tahsis has a lot to offer for such a small town and I would like to explore ways we can encourage more people to live here. Building on what we have, keeping this town alive and active. We need to bring more people to Tahsis in order to keep our facilities open. To keep our Schools open we need more families and less empty houses. To keep our clinic open we need to be considering having old age care homes for the aging baby boom generation. To keep the recreation centre open we need more people living in Tahsis who will use these facilities. Maintaining this communities infrastructure is the most important issue facing Tahsis and people gathering together is the way to address this.

Be the change, in Tahsis.  

In solidarity, 

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Statement by council candidate James Brown

During this municipal election, each candidate has been asked to answer three questions in order to better inform voters of where they stand. This is the first post and others will follow every couple of days. According to Elections BC, these do not qualify as campaigning because they endorse no one candidate.

1. What made you decide to run in this election?

Wasn't the plan... though over the years and just recently many citizens here asked me to. With consideration, I've applied with confidence, knowing I'd serve well because of my keen research skills. I'm looking forward to reading thru thick government papers to trace out the facts that matter most to citizens here. Fact-finding, fact-checking missions are something I enjoy. I have no particular platform, though instead am interested in learning what matters most the citizens in town here and working to addressing those issues. Through this, I'm hoping to help forge a stronger dialogue between this community, our neighbours, local Nations, and government bodies.

2. What part of your background (experience, education, skills etc.) would make you a good person in this office?

I'm headed into my 8th year in Tahsis. This has become my home. My post-secondary background, 7 years in two Liberal Arts colleges, served as a guide to help me find great insights into the fields of history, law, as well as applying pure math & logic to political discourses. The laws of nature and societies are closely connected, and tracing these connections was once my main point of study, and still one of my past-times. My background in music, as represented through the local music organization that I run -- Nootka Sounds -- is the artistic application of these skills. Such projects help keep my body & mind in shape. I read The Guardian, CBC, Al Jazeera, The Tyee, and other news sites and message boards on a daily basis, while not forgetting to keep up with everything local that I can learn about through our variety of resources we have. I understand how social media alone serves more as an echochamber of ideas, while at the same time my understanding of how to use such tools & outlets on an in-depth basis will be an asset in helping the public communicate with the office. There's a huge talent pool in Tahsis! My impression is that we needn't so much go calling for the opinions and employment of outside experts as much as we have -- we have all the resources we need right in town here! The strength of the people in this community is tremendous -- this is a hard-working town with a real unique, compelling energy. I'd like to see this energy applied in sensible, agreeable ways that give considerations not only to the moment, but also to all our futures.

3. What is the most important issue facing Tahsis and what will you do to address it?

Environmental considerations as well as the subject of growth. Running in-depth investigations and very careful considerations on how to best proceed in addressing these issues in harmonious, sustainable ways is certainly the biggest challenge we face not only locally, but as a whole civilization. I recognize that Tahsis holds a very special potential on this earth, what with the futures we face. It's important to trace what has happened throughout time by examining historical and ongoing case-studies to trace patterns. The future is very hard to predict, though history provides us with many clues we can use to help guide us. Before addressing anything directly, it's important to build models based on real-world case studies. Studying facts on issues and presenting these to the public for consideration is my ideal approach.

4. Any additional comments you would like to make?

It is with my great hope that this next election will present us with an opportunity to develop this community in ways that will help us find peace and happiness with ourselves, our neighbours, and our surroundings. This may sound like a lot of hippy nonsense, which is why I work so hard at researching scientific foundations and matters of law in order and apply reason as a basis for feelings. I've been wondering that maybe music and politics really aren't so different. Strong connections between logic, the natural world, and feelings creates some of the most compelling music -- surely considerations for reaching such balances in society help make for the strongest communities as well.

Campaign signs are okay

There was much discussion as to whether or not campaign signs could go up now or had to wait til after September 22. Here a response that Dave M. got from Elections BC.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Williamson, Daniele EBC:EX <>
Sent: ‎Tuesday‎, ‎September‎ ‎18‎, ‎2018‎ ‎09‎:‎05‎:‎53‎ ‎AM‎ ‎PDT
Subject: Campaign Signs - Elections BC

Good morning Dave,

Thanks for your call. As per our conversation, according to the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act (LECFA), you may set-up your campaign signs now.

Under LECFA, campaign signs, advertising, and promotions displayed prior to the campaign period during the election period, from January 1, 2018 – September 21, 2018 11:59:59 PM, do not require an authorization statement.

Authorization statements are only required on campaign signs, advertising and promotions when displayed during the campaign period. The campaign period begins on the 28th day before General Voting Day. For the General Local Election on October 20, 2018 the campaign period is September 22, 2018 12:00 AM – October 20, 2018 8:00 PM.

Authorization statement must include:
-              the  name of the financial agent
-              the words “authorized by” in front of the finical agent`s name, and
-              B.C. phone number, or B.C. mailing address, or email address 

Example of a candidate authorization statement: Authorized by Susan Wong (555) 555-5555

Every candidates, endorsed or unendorsed, must include an authorization statement.

Candidates who are acting as their own Financial Agent are still required to include the authorization statement.

There are no size requirements for the authorization statement; however, the authorization statement must be clear and readable.

The sponsorship information must be in English or understandable to readers of English. If the advertising is in another language the authorization statement must also be understandable to readers of that language. 

Certain jurisdictions have bylaws regarding when campaign signs can be displayed; please consult with the local jurisdiction.

If your signs will be placed on or near a highway, please contact the Ministry of Transportation at 250-387-3189.

Some election advertising is exempt from an authorization statement, examples include (but are not limited to): clothing, novelty items, small items like key chains, some advertisements on the internet (if the ads link to another webpage where the authorization statement is clearly visible). For more information, please see 40-48 of the Elections B.C.Guide to Local Elections Campaign Financing in BC for Candidates and their Financial Agents.

If you have any further question, please let us know.

Best regards,

Daniele Williamson
Compliance Specialist
Local Elections Campaign Financing
Elections BC

Kraft Heinz Project Play grant

Lauren Roth who works at the Tahsis Recreation Centre has put together a request for a grant from Kraft for refurbishing the centre. Nicely done. You can see the details and respond at:

Monday, 17 September 2018

Games night at the Senior Centre, Thursday, September 20 at 7:00

All are welcome. You do not need to be a member of the centre. Many choices of board games are owned by the seniors or you can shoot pool. Coffee and tea for sale by donation.

Sunday, 16 September 2018

A sure sign of the end of summer

Pool closure

The Tahsis recreation centre swimming pool desperately needs resurfacing. The last day for swimming before the pool gets resurfaced will be Sept 20. It is estimated the work and the drying to seal will take about a month.

The inspectors are coming! The inspectors are coming!

Message from Janet Scotland.

There will likely be property inspectors in Tahsis later this week.  They are also licensed for wood stove, fireplace, chimney and pellet stove WETT certificates which are required by insurance companies.  If you require a WETT certificate, please send me a PM or email via or and I will pass along their contact info.

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Update on egg sales from Tahsis Farm

Hey folks,
Update on the chickens themselves in case you haven't come up in a while: We have two pens with about 15 birds in each. One pen is road island reds, they are 2.5 years old which is ancient in the chicken world. Still they produce between 8 and 13 eggs a day. The other pen is Barred Rocks. They have some bad habits (pecking at each other and each others eggs) and produce about 8-12 eggs a day, but often have destroyed a few before we can get to them.
SO we've ordered 40 layers and they will arrive around the 25th. We'll be butchering our currents hens (anyone want to buy a stewing chicken?) and will have a whole new flock by the end of September. These will be a different breed (high line browns) who are great layers. So there you have it... we'll be limping along for another week or so, have about a week of adjustment while the ladies get used to their new home, and then be back in the eggs the beginning of October
Thanks for bearing with us as we refresh our flock and as we try a different sales approach 🙂 Once we are settled up with you all we'll be doing first come first serve on Sundays. By the sounds of it, with changes at the farm the subscription system won't be possible until we have someone here at the farm on a more consistent basis who can commit to managing accounts.


Monday, 10 September 2018

Candidates list

No need to guess who is running for council and mayor. This link:

is the official registry of who has submitted their papers.

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Basket Making Workshop

Tahsis Literacy Society sponsored a two-day basket making workshop lead by Joan Carrigan from Salt Spring Island. What a good time.


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celebration of life (1) July 1 (1) July 1 2019 (1) jump rope for heart (1) Junior Canadian Rangers (8) Karaoke (1) karst protectioin (1) KCIP (1) Kelly Pool (1) kids (1) Kids Run for Nature (1) kitchen party (1) knights of Columbus (1) knit and crochet in public day (3) knitting (2) Ladies Craft Night (2) Lego Contest (3) lego party (1) Leiner Campground (3) Leiner River (5) Les Dowding Memorial Volunteer Salmon Hatchery (2) Library (4) library holiday hours (1) lifeguard needed (1) lifeguard training (6) Lions Club (15) Literacy Day (1) Little Free Library (3) loaves and fishes foodbank (1) Local Food (24) Local Literature (2) logging (3) Lots for sale (1) Mail in ballot (1) Mainroad (1) maintenance bylaw (1) Malaspina Lake (2) mammogram (2) marina closed (1) Marine Surveyor (1) Market Square Sale (1) Martin Davis (2) maskmaking (1) mass (1) Math Mania (1) mckelvie (3) Me to We (3) meals on wheels (3) Media (1) Member of Parliament (2) metal roses (1) Missoula theatre (2) MLA (3) Mother's Day (9) Motivational Speaker (1) Mount Washington (1) Mountain bike race (2) Moutcha Bay Resort (7) Movie Night (9) Movie Premier (1) Mowachaht Muchalaht First Nation (8) Municip (1) Municipal election 2022 (7) Municipal elections 2018 (20) Murder Mystery (1) Museum (1) Mushrooms (2) Music (48) music boot camp (1) music trivia (2) naloxone training (1) name the puppy (1) Nautical Breeze (6) NCT (1) NDP (2) New Business (1) New year’s eve (1) New year’s eve party (1) New Years Day (9) Night market (2) no nurse (2) Nootka Communities Together (10) Nootka Marine Adventures (1) Nootka Reforestation (2) Nootka Sound Economic Development Corporation (1) Nootka Sound Outdoor Program (11) Nootka Sound RCMP (1) Nootka Sound Watershed Society (5) Nootka Sounds (12) Nootka Trail (2) nootka watershed Society (1) North Island Hospital (1) NoSoF (3) November 11 (1) NSG (1) NSOP (1) Nuchatlitz Provincial Park (1) Ocean Tyde (1) Ocean View Restaurant (10) Oceanview Cafe (3) official coommunity plan (3) oil spill (1) old growth (1) orange shirt day (1) Outdoor movie Tahsis Days (1) PAC (19) PAC raffle (1) PAC spring bazaar (1) Paint night (5) Pancake Breakfast (6) Parade (7) Parking (1) Paula Wild (1) Pete's Farm (2) Pets (4) phone booths (1) Photo Booth (1) Photography (8) physio (1) Pickle ball (3) Picnic (1) Pink Shirt Day (1) pitch-in Canada (1) Plane crash (1) Polar Bear Swim (11) Pool (11) pool closed (7) pool closure (5) pool schedule (25) Poseidon Ocean Systems (1) Poster Contest (2) Potluck (16) pottery (3) pottery club (1) pottery shop (1) Pottery workshop (1) Power Outage (9) prescription policy (1) Prime Minister Trudeau (1) principal (1) Project squash (2) Property for Sale (1) Provincial elections (1) Public Presentation (1) Public Works (8) Puddle Ducks daycare (2) pumpkin carving (1) Purdys (2) Quadra Island (3) Quebec Exchange (1) quilt raffle (3) quilt show (1) Quilting (4) Quilting Class (4) radio plays (3) Raffle (5) Raft Race (5) Random Acts (1) RCMP (3) RCMP Media Release (1) RCMP/community hockey game (1) Real Estate (2) Rec centre (1) rec centre holiday hours (1) Recreation sites (1) Recycling (4) Remembrance Day (14) rental (1) Repair cafe (3) Residential Clean-Up (1) Restaurant (32) retirement (1) Rick James (1) Rise service (1) Road Closure (5) Road Conditions (3) Road Construction (2) road maintenance contacts (1) road survey (1) Rock the Dock (32) Rock the Dock 2019 (12) Rock the dock 2020 (2) Rock the dock 2021 (6) Rock the Dock 2022 (1) Rock the Dock 2023 (6) Rock the Dock 2024 (5) Royal Canadian Navy (2) Rugged Mountain (1) rural health survey (1) Sally's Grill (34) Sally’s Grill (1) Salmon (4) salmon derby (3) Salmon Enhancement Derby (2) Santa Claus (4) sauna (1) Save On Foods (1) Scavenger Hunt (4) school (1) School board (1) School District 84 (11) Science (3) science fair (1) Scotch Broom (5) SD84 (2) sea cans (1) seaweed (2) seed library (1) seed sale (1) Senior centre (4) Senior Centre lunch (4) senior centre pot luck (2) Seniors Centre (9) Sewing (3) Share a Smile Society (6) Sheila Orr’s obituary (1) Shop Local (2) Shopping (6) Shorebird Expeditions (2) Side Door concert (1) Silent Auction (5) Siren test (1) Skiing (1) Slugfest (6) soapmaking (1) Spar Tree Gifts (2) Spar Tree music (2) Spartree Gifts (3) Spring Bazaar (12) Spring Break (5) spring clean up (5) Springtime (21) Squash yards (1) St. Joseph's Catholic Church (21) St. Joseph’s mass (2) St. Patrick's Day (6) Steak Night (8) Stocking raffle (1) Stop motion club (1) story time (2) Storytime (9) Strathcona Food Network (2) Strathcona Regional Emergency Preparedness (1) street repairs (1) stroke awareness (1) Summer (9) summer market (2) summer markets 2021 (3) Summer Solstice (1) summer student village job (1) Sunday market (1) Surfing (1) Swim instructor course (1) Swimm (1) Swimming (9) swimming pool (8) TACo (4) Tahsis Artisans' Coop (17) Tahsis Beautification (1) Tahsis Boat Launch (1) Tahsis Breakfast Club of Canada (8) Tahsis Building Supply (3) Tahsis Christian Church (3) Tahsis Community Church (6) Tahsis Community Food Trade (2) Tahsis Community Garden Society (45) Tahsis Days (83) Tahsis Days 2017 (14) Tahsis days 2018 (13) Tahsis Days 2019 (11) Tahsis Days 2021 (4) Tahsis Days 2022 (1) Tahsis days 2023 (4) Tahsis days 2024 (5) Tahsis Emergency Services (14) Tahsis Farm (13) Tahsis Farm concert (2) Tahsis Farm to School (15) Tahsis Fish Processing Ltd. (4) Tahsis Health Centre (30) Tahsis Health Centre Auxillary (3) Tahsis Heritage Society (4) Tahsis History (5) Tahsis hospital auxiliary (1) Tahsis Ice Company (1) Tahsis Landfill (1) Tahsis library (44) Tahsis Lions Club (7) Tahsis Literacy (3) Tahsis Literacy Society (72) Tahsis Museum (3) Tahsis Recreation Centre (158) tahsis recreation centre closing (4) Tahsis River (2) Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Society (21) Tahsis Senior's Society (44) Tahsis Supermarket (9) Tahsis Time Grill (5) Tahsis Trail Club (1) Tahsis Trail Club. hikers (1) Tahsis Trail Tenders (1) Tahsis TShirts (1) Tahsis Volunteer Firefighters Association (23) Tahsis writing (1) Tahtsa Dive Charters (5) Talent Show (1) Tax deferment (1) Tax Notice (1) tax sales (2) tea (1) tech tuesday (3) Teen Game Night (2) teen writing contest (1) telephone book (1) Terry Fassbender (1) Terry fox run (2) Thanksgiving (9) The Great Walk (2) The Local (14) The President's Tree (2) The Royal Family (1) Theatre (1) TLS (14) Toddler time (1) Toonies for Tummies (1) tortoise and the hare (1) totem (1) Tourism Vancouver Island (1) Tourist Info Centre (6) Townsite (1) Trails (2) transportation project (1) transportation table (1) tree farm licence (1) Treeplanting (1) Trivia (4) trivia night (3) Troy Moth (1) tsunami alert test (1) Tsunamis (1) Tug of War (1) Twang Gang (16) Ubedam Theatre Society (41) Uchuck (6) Ukrainian Easter Egg Decorating (2) underwater photography (2) Upana (2) vacation greeting (1) Valentine's (8) Valentines TLS (1) Valnetine's day (2) Vancouver Island Health Authority (1) Vancouver Island Regional Library Tahsis Branch (28) vet schedule (2) Veterinary Services (1) Victoria Day (1) VIHA (11) VIHA February 2018 (1) VIHA notice (2) VIHA September 2018 (1) VIllage Council (22) VIllage of Tahsis (61) Village Office (2) VIRL (49) VIRL Adulting 101 (1) VIRL Tahsis Library (13) VIRL tech help (4) Vision Screening (1) Volleyball Tournament (1) Volunteering (21) volunteers (1) W.E.T. Inspector (1) walking club (3) Warning (1) Wastewater upgrade (1) water safety talk (1) WE scare hunger (1) welcome back (1) well (1) Western Forest Products (6) Westview Marina (78) Weymer Creek Provincial Park (1) WFP (2) Whale (4) Whistler (1) Wilderness First Aid (2) Wildlife (18) Wildlife habitat area (1) winter preparedness (1) wolves (2) woman's self defense (1) women\s retreat (1) wood debris removal (2) wood stove exchange program (1) Workshop (25) World Wildlife Fund Canada's Kids' Run for Nature (2) Wreath Making Workshop (9) Writers (3) Yoga (11) Yuquot (3) Zeballos (2) ZOOM bingo (17) ZOOM trivia (3) Zucchini Races (2) zumba (3)