Friday, 7 April 2023

RUN WYLD fundraiser

 Hello Run WYLD Donors! 

I wanted to share a couple updates and let you know what's been happening in the world of Run WYLD.. 

In 2022, I ran from Gold River to Strathcona Park Lodge to continue raising funds and awareness around decreasing barriers for youth in accessing wilderness programs. This year, I’m excited (and nervous) to announce that my dear friend Laura Weston and I will be running the Tree to Sea Drive that connects Gold River to Tahsis for this year’s Run WYLD Scholarship Project event on June 4th. 

This route was a fitting choice as all funds raised for Run WYLD directly support youth from these two communities, along with Zeballos and Kyuquot in accessing wilderness based programming at Strathcona Park Lodge.  

To date, the Run WYLD Project has raised over $10,000 and sent 8 youth to camp. Big thanks to everyone who has connected with this project and donated. It truly would not be possible without each of you. 

If you are interested to continue following the Run WYLD Project, you can find more information at the link below. If you'd like to continue to donate and support in making these experiences possible for youth in remote communities you can do this through the link below.

I run because I believe that time spent in nature has a true impact. I run because exploring your own resilience and witnessing it in others is the purest form of magic. I run because all youth deserve to experience these moments.

This run will forever be dedicated to the wildly resilient, daring, creative, authentic youth. 

Stay tuned for the Run WYLD Documentary created by Far North Visuals -

P.S.- The 2023 running route has some substantial fundraising history, if you haven’t heard of the Great Walk go check it out.

Thank you! 
Sophie O'Brien

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