Saturday, 4 February 2023

Loaves and Fishes Foodbank has brought a recycling option to Tahsis


This bin is located on North Maquinna and Cook Street. Just past the garbage/recycling/free store/compost area and will be open 24/7. It takes all beverage containers on which you paid a deposit: Pop and beer cans, glass liquor bottles and wine boxes, plastic water bottles, plastic and cardboard milk cartons, any form of juice container.

There is NO deposit on Cream, Yogurt and nutritional supplements like Boost and Ensure.  

For all the details go to:

All money will go to the work of the food bank and it will save you a trip to the recycling centre when you go to town.

I am the contact person for this project so call or email me with any questions and if you notice it is full.

Stephanie Olson  250-934-6236

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