Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Bligh Island Shipwreck Update

Resolve Marine Group, the company who is completing the Technical Assessment (TA) at the wreck site, arrived in Nootka Sound on April 18, 2021 on the vessel Atlantic Condor.


The public website has been updated with the latest SitRep and includes further details: https://www.spillresponsebc.ca/2021/04/20/situation-report-april-20/


There is an article in the Hashilthsa newspaper, with an interview with federal Incident Commander Gillian Oliver. The article provides additional information about the Technical Assessment:  https://hashilthsa.com/news/2021-04-19/bligh-island-spill-response-enters-new-phase


New photos have been added to the public website. Scroll to the bottom to see the new photos:https://www.spillresponsebc.ca/images/


Navigational Warning (NAVWARN) NW-P-0455-21 contains detailed information on the Emergency Zone established on the east side of Bligh Island for Environmental Response. Pollution containment, recovery and underwater work are currently underway. Remain clear of the area.



New NAVWARN NW-P-0557-21 has been published: Emergency Zone has been established in Mooyah Bay for Canadian Coast Guard Environmental Response Operations. No Anchoring of any vessel until further notice in Mooyah Bay south of a line from 49 38.098N 126 26.649W extending West south west to 49 37.961N 126 27.465W



NAVWARN NW-P-0462-21 has been replaced with NW-P-0558-21. Diversion booms have been deployed at seven locations in the vicinity of Bligh Island by Environmental Response.



Fishery Notice FN0408-PRECAUTIONARY NOTICE - All Species - Area 25 - Ongoing Oil Spill Response Operations has been issued. “Beginning on April 19, 2021, additional response crews, vessels, and equipment will be in the area to conduct a technical assessment of the wreck. Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) will be directing all vessels not engaged in the response to stay clear of the established emergency zone. Harvesters are required by law to comply with this direction when received.”


We appreciate your support and patience as we seek to mitigate any impacts from this wreck.


Let me know if you have any questions or need further information.


Heidi Freeland

Liaison Officer

Bligh Island Shipwreck



Cell:  604-655-2741

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