Friday, 4 September 2015

Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Society and Westview Marina Fishing Derby

Despite incredibly harsh stormy weather, (I heard stories of taking refuge in Kyuquot, and braving 15 foot waves) a fuel shortage in Esperanza, and no running water for part of the weekend in Tahsis, the sportfishers who took part in the Salmon Derby last weekend had a wonderful time and showed unprecedented generosity for a good cause. 

"It's all about the fish!" was the catch phrase of the weekend.  Between the registration fees, the silent auction, the live auction and the other various donations, the hardworking staff, volunteers and participants raised over $36 000 for the Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Society.

A donation for the auction, a valuable collection of fly ties by the family of the late Paul Fletcher, who was a great supporter of the Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Society. 

relaxing on Friday night after a long day of fishing

The Truant comes in to the marina

Graham and Mike, part of Team Truant

Great music by

Frank barbeques up a mess of salmon

The bartenders from the Tahsis Community Garden worked hard Saturday night!

Part of the crowd for the prizes and dinner

John announcing winners

Frank spoke on behalf of the Tahsis Salmon Enhancement Society

Winning prizes and gift certificates



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