Sunday, 5 April 2015

Easter Sunday at Esperanza

Every Easter (and Thanksgiving) Esperanza Ministries puts out the invitation for people from Tahsis and Zeballos to join them for church and a potluck lunch.  Today more than 50 guests showed up in the gorgeous spring weather to enjoy the company and great food.

Cindy's hot cross buns

After some singing, a visiting speaker (John) gave an amazing one man show performance of the story of Easter.

The children decorated bags and then went on an outdoor egg hunt.  Guests were invited to wander up the hill to take a peek at the new baby chicks in the chicken coop.  We also checked out the amazing work the gardeners are doing with their greenhouse and surrounding garden.


The meal was delicious, with people bringing all kinds of colourful dishes to go with an enormous ham.  In the typical Esperanza fashion, there were as many desserts or chummus (sweets) as there were savoury choices.

And, since Canada is a small town, 2 people who worked together in Saskatchewan, randomly bumped into each other today at Esperanza!  This added to the feeling of friendship and connectedness that comes with sharing meals and holidays with friends and family.

Egg hunt by the playground

Thank you to Cindy, Tim, Jerry, Jessica, Steiner and Heidi for your amazing hospitality and graciousness, once again.

Teens hanging out by the ocean

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