Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Organic Master Gardener visits the 4-6 class

Terry, an Organic Master Gardener and CMESS parent, along with his wife Mary, visited Ms. Ante's 4-6 class today to do a demonstration of Bokashi Composting, a way of breaking down kitchen waste using fermentation to build good soil for our gardens.

This method has some ecological advantages over the usual compost heap, and is very frugal.  It's a fascinating process to turn the leftover spaghetti scraped off your plate into a rich and luxurious soil teeming with nutrients.      

Terry plans to help the kids learn and grow at the Tahsis Community Garden, and enjoys sharing the science of the different aspects of gardening, from soil analysis to worm feeding to checking (and enjoying!) the sugar content of your carrots and strawberries.

Thanks for coming in and sharing your wealth of knowledge, we will have a great garden season this year, Terry and Mary.  Welcome to Tahsis, and we are happy you are our newest members at the Tahsis Community Garden Society.

Mary and Terry

about 1 CMESS lunch's worth of waste; we will have that bucket full in no time!   
Mrs. Ante even brought some scraps from home
What the finished product looks like after fermentation.  Something to enhance our soil!


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