Thursday, 11 December 2014

Economic Development

I attended a meeting last night to discuss some strategies for success for our Economic Development Planning.  There are lots of great ideas out there, and we need some help organizing everything and moving forward to benefit our little town. The challenges might be big, but we are a resourceful bunch.

George, Jude and Randy.  George and Randy are from Community Planning and Development Consulting.
If you haven't already filled out your survey, you have one more day!  Here's the link:  Economic Development Survey

This is from the Village of Tahsis Website:

The Village of Tahsis is initiating a project to prepare an Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan to address the decline in the local economy, to increase its economic development capacity and to and to seek strategic employment and investment opportunities.

By undertaking a long-term economic development strategy and action plan, the Village will be able to establish an overall framework within which local businesses can develop their own long-term strategies and work together with the Village to develop and pursue an investment attraction and marketing strategy and to pursue appropriate investments and projects in a strategic and professional manner consistent with the Villages Official Community Plan (OCP) and other policies.

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