Monday, 30 May 2016

The Latest NSOP Trip

This past weekend, one of our students joined others in the district to go surfing and hiking in Tofino with the Nookka Sound Outdoor Program!  What a fun opportunity!  Thanks to the chaperones and Phil Parkes for another great trip.  This program expands the world for our kids. 

photo from NSOP facebook page

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Seniors Society Free Community BBQ

Thanks so much to the Seniors Society volunteers who provided a delicious free BBQ for the whole community this afternoon!  The talented cooks prepared burgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, chicken burgers, steaks, salads and the the trimmings, alongside cake, punch and iced tea.  The generous and hard-working crew fed an appreciative crowd of about 120 people.  The weather cooperated as friends and neighbours socialized over the great spread.

The event was sponsored by the New Horizons for Seniors Grant from the government of Canada.

We had lots of treats with lovely salads to go with our bbq, all kept nice and cool with the CMESS Kitchen salad bar.

Student Liz grabs the ketchup

This woman was a driving force behind the BBQ, doing untold hours of work, planning, shopping, prepping, cooking and as shown here:  cutting the cake!  Thank you Janet!  And her husband is no slouch either, along with countless other jobs, he even put up a plastic wind breaker to shelter the picnickers.  What would we do without you two?!

I always go for the extra pickles. 

Four year old Ocean is new to town, and he loved his cheese burger!  And playing in the field with the other kids.

Friends and Neighbours
Frank and Gary manned the grills.  Great photo by Liz Beaupre. 

Author Caroline Woodward visits Tahsis

Friday night over 30 people came out to enjoy a potluck dinner and an author reading by Caroline Woodward.  Her latest book is called "Light Years:  A Memoir of a Modern Lighthouse Keeper". 

The slide show of photographs of the beautiful remote areas were breathtaking, and the information was fascinating!  Thanks to the Tahsis Literacy Society for sponsoring this cultural event, and thank you to CMESS and the Tahsis Senior's Society for hosting the great meal and the dessert and coffee during the reading. 

Thank you also to the Twang Gang, who serenaded the crowd with 2 appropriate songs, "Thank God we're Surrounded by Water" and "I Want to Marry a Lighthouse Keeper".  What a welcome!

More information about Caroline Woodward's books can be found on her website here

Twang Gang members Mervin, Roy, Jeannie, Gareth, Andie and Stephanie

Author Caroline Woodward

Friday, 27 May 2016

Springtime at the Tahsis Community Garden

The Tahsis Community Garden is looking beautiful this time of year!  Lots of work being done, and lots of plants already started.  The bees seem happy too. 

There is a new facebook page for the Tahsis Community Garden Society, and new activity on the previously dormant TCGS Blog as well.  Check it out!

Spring Canoe Trip with NSOP

The district 84 students and teachers enjoyed perfect weather during the spring canoe trip to Quadra Island.  A small number of kids from the district, including Tahsis learned about wilderness camping, cooked all their own food and enjoyed the scenery while strengthening their paddling skills.  For more information on this amazing program, click here

Photos from the NSOP Facebook Page

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Western Forest Products Tahsis Clean Up Project

 I received this information from Kindry Mercer, Regional Engagement Coordinator, Western Forest Products.

Update on Western Forest Products Tahsis Clean Up Project
1.       The demo of the Wolverton building is scheduled to take place May 24th -May 30th 2016.  The building is being demolished as it is no longer safe to be occupied. Plans for the demo are supported by the Village council.
2.       Clean up efforts for the Cedar Mill site will be underway starting the week of May 30th  2016.   Lease holders and any other people with materials on site are reminded to have any contents tidied up or removed prior to May 30th to help facilitate the clean-up process.  

If there are any concerns or logistics that need to be addressed, please contact John Waring at 250-287-5024 by May 25th.
For your safety, please follow the directions of the onsite crew, stay a safe distance from demo and clean-up activities and do not enter the active work site.  Louis VanSolkema will be assisting with both the demo and cleanup efforts.
To contact Kindry Mercer, call 250-228-9457 

First Production of Ubedam Theatre Society was a Huge Success!

With 106 tickets sold over two nights, the Ubedam Theatre Society's performance of "Oz in the Clozet" written by Len Cuthbert was thoroughly enjoyed by our town this past weekend. The five actors were captivating and funny, and the crew was professional and pulled off an amazing first show! 

There were several people who had bought tickets for Friday night who enjoyed it so much that they came back on Saturday to watch the show again.  With refreshments, consession and popcorn available, it made for a truly enjoyable evening for an appreciative crowd. 

Congratulations to director Debra Conibear and all the actors, crew and volunteers.  I'm told it was 3 months of hard work, but this group (from the electrician to the lighting expert, to the popcorn makers to the costume designers to the stage manager to the fundraisers to the marketing team and all the other unseen workers!) should pat themselves on the back for this job well done!

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Friday the 13th Events

The first Steak Night of the season!  If you have tickets to Ubedam Theatre's performance tomorrow night, you could go out for a steak first, before the show! 
Here are the Ubedam actors in the play Oz in a Clozet, by Len Cuthbert. 
There will be tickets available at the door on both nights. 
Friday, May 13th 7 pm
Saturday, May 14th 7 pm
at the Tahsis Recreation Centre

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Westview Marina

Marina Grillhouse Restaurant & Island Attitude Coffee & Ice Cream Shop 
are OPEN for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 8am to 8pm 7 days a week until October.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Friday, 6 May 2016

Thank You

A warm thank you to all the Tahsis friends and neighbours who have supported the CMESS Parent Advisory Council this past week, during our food fundraisers! 

Both the bake sale and the veggie sale went very well, after collecting orders at the Spring Bazaar and throughout the community, we delivered some treats to an appreciative audience!  The lemon loaves, cinnamon buns and berry buns were made by Aubrey, and I made the brownies. 

Local Blackberry Buns

This is a fresh pasta sauce with the BC produce from the Fresh to You fundraiser. 

The veggie bundles were all gorgeous BC produce, including tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, cucumbers and sprouts, provided by our partners with the BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation.  

Thanks to the volunteers and to the customers!